2022 October
Juried exhibition: @ Dutch Design Week
"Politics of Design":Things Shape Power
Exhibiting "Tête a Tête22"@ klokgebouw, Eindhove, The Netherland
2022 September
Juried exhibition: "Future Bodies"
2022 The New Media Caucus Symposium
Moss Arts Center, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA
2022 May
The CHI 2022 Interactivity, ACM SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Science
“Tête-à-tête 22”: Mediating Intimate Relationship through Expressive Digital Interaction
New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Lousiana, USA
2021 Nov
Invitational Exhibition: AIIF (Advanced Imaging & Artificial Intelligence International Festival.)
Special Exhibition: http://www.aiif.kr/
Chung Ang University, Seoul, South Korea
2021 Sep_Nov
Lecture “Expressive Entities” Course: Fluid Assemblages Interaction Concept Course
Umeå Institute of Desig, Umeå, Sweden
2021 Feb
Art Track, Conference Exhibition TEI2021:
“Footsie”: Exploring Physical Human- 3 Machine-Interaction through Flirtatious Furniture,
15th ACM International Conference on Tangible Embedded and Embodied Interaction,
Art Space 5020 in Salzburg, Austria
2020 Nov/Dec
New Media Caucus member spotlight 2020 Nov-Dec
In regards on: Aesthetic, Experiential and Experimental Interaction
2020 Oct/Nov
Lecture “Aesthetic Interaction: Artistic Exploration of Interactive Technologies”
Course: Interaction Design and Transportation Design MFA
Umeå Institute of Design, Umeå, Sweden
2020 Feb
Artist talk
In regards on: "Exploring Aesthetic Interaction through Art, Design and Technology"
University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
2019 September
Artist talk
In regards on: “Exploring Interactive Tactile Digital Media
“Border Control”, The New Media Caucus Symposium,
Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
2019 May / June
Artist residency
RISE (Research Institute Sweden)
Interactive installation project, “Footsie”
The pink, Umeå, Sweden https://thepink.se/portfolio/young-suk-lee/
2018 September/October
Invitational Exhibition:
“subnet AIR Artists Exhibition”
September 17th - October 15th, 2018
Reception: Oct 4th, 2018
City Gallery Lehan, Salzburg, Austria
2018 May/June
Juried Exhibition:
"Transformed: Digital to Corporal"
May 28 - June 30, 2018
The Kresge Gallery at Marywood University and the 8th International Conference of Contemporary Cast Iron Art
"Post Industrial Iron:Divergence, Dialog, and New Directions"
120 Insalco Center for Studio Arts
Scranton, PA 18509
2019 June
Lecture : "ACC- ASIA Culture Institute, South Korea
In regards on: Art, Technology and Artist in the Fourth Round of Industrial Revolution
2018 May/August
Artist Residency: ACC_R CREATORS IN LAB program
Asia Culture Center of the Arts & Creative Technology Center
South Korea
2018 March 21
Artist Talk: Wednesday lecture at 3p.m
An Exploratory Research on Experimental Interaction of Art and Design
Umeå Institute of Design, Östra Strandgatan 28 A SE-903 33 Umeå Sweden
2018 March 18-21,
The ACM TEI Conference :
Art Track Exhibition, 12th International Conference on Tangible Embedded and Embodied Interaction 2018
Title: Thou and I: Exploring Expressive Digital Interaction with Interactive Characteristic Wigs
Stockholm Kulturhuset (Stockholm Culture House) in an evening of Art and Performance
Sergels torg, 111 57 Stockholm, Sweden
2018 Feb/March
SOLO Exhibition:
Title: "Thou and I"
Feb 13th - March 16th, 2018
Artist Talk: Wednesday Feb 14th, 3p.m
Reception: Friday March 9th, 6-9p.m
Northeastern Illinois University, 5500 St Louis Ave, Chicago, IL 60625
2018 Jan/Feb
Juried Exhibition:
"7th Annual National Juried Exhibition”
Jan 8th -Feb 16th, 2018
Marshall University: School of Art &Design, Carroll Gallery, Huntington, West Virginia
2017 Sep/Oct
Interactions : A bi-monthly publication of the ACM
How Was It Made? ’Tea with Crows’ : Motion Interactive Kinetic Sculpture / Tea table
2017 Jul/Aug
Interactions : A bi-monthly publication of the ACM
Demo Hour, ’Tea with Crows’ : Motion Interactive Kinetic Sculpture / Tea table
2017 May 16-July11
Artist Residency: subnet AIR Reserach on Experimental Wearable Tech
One eerie wearable approach to the fields of the uncanny valley
Center for HCI, University Salzburg + subnet AIR
2017 May 24th. 5p.m
Artist Talk Center for HCI (Human Computer Interaction Design)
University Salzburg Techno 5, Jakonb-Haringer-StraBe 8, 5020 Salzburg, Austria.
2017 May 7-11 The ACM CHI Conference: Installation Exhibits
The CHI 2017 annual ACM SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Science
Paper Title: "Tea with Crows: Towards Socially Engaging Digital Interaction"
http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3050429 https://vimeo.com/216851928
Denver Convention Center, Denver, Colorado Opening reception, May 11, 7-9PM
2017 March 21-April 13 Juried Exhibition: "MYSTERY and ENIGMA”
The 2017 Kreft Juried National Exhibition Kreft Arts Program
Concordia University Ann Arbor, MI
Opening reception for the artists March 31, 7-9 PM
2017 March 20-23 The ACM TEI Conference :
Art Track Exhibition 11th International Conference on Tangible Embedded and Embodied Interaction 2017
Paper Title: "Tea with Crows: Experiencing Proactive Ubiquitous Technology by Interactive Art"
Keio Media Design, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
2017 Jan 12-Feb11 Juried Exhibition: " Materialized: Juried 3D Printed Art"
The University Art Gallery Central Michigan University, MI
Opening Reception: January 12th (6p.m)
2016 Dec 12-24 Invitational Solo Exhibition: “A Synesthetic Moment”
3D printed Interactive Kinetic Sculpture
KumBoSung Art Center, Seoul, South Korea
2016- 2019 NSF Grant Award : "NRT-IGE: Promoting Creativity in Engineering/Technology
Graduate Education through Integration of Arts/Design and Experiential Learning in the Curriculum”
PI. Anwar Sohel.
June 4 - July 17
A juried exhibit : PLEASE TOUCH
Public Reception: Thursday, June 9 • 6 – 8 pm • Gallery Talk at 7 pm
Target Gallery | National Exhibition Space | Torpedo Factory Art Center
105 N. Union St., Alexandria, VA 22314
2016 May 16-22
Artist Talk
"Felt Technology through interactive critters"
ISEA2016: 22nd International Symposium on Electronic Art
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2016 April 9 - May 6
CIRCA: Digital Art Exhibit
Opening reception: Saturday, April 9, 2-4 pm
A national juried exhibit of work made with digital processes.
Juried by Robbin Zella, Director and Curator of the Housatonic Museum of Art.
Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA
2016 March 30
Artist Talk
Northeastern Illinois University
Chicago, IL, USA
2016 March 7
Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
2016 March 4 - April 1
Juried Exhibition:
“SYNESTHETICA”: An exhibit of works involving multiple senses
Opening reception: March 4
Manifest galllery, Cincinnati, OH, USA
2016 Feb 5
ART exchange at the College Art Association’s Annual Conference
Washington D.C, USA
2015 Dec 4 - Feb28
Exhibition at maker maker section
Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture
Opening reception: Dec.4 (6pm-9pm)
Shenzhen, China.
2015 Nov4- Dec6
Solo Exhibition
Title: Malum: Exploring Felt Technology Through The Interactive Critters
Opening reception: Nov.4 (6pm-8pm)
Artist Talk: Nov.4 (7pm-8pm)
Olivia Park Gallery, 16 West 32nd Street, New York, NY
2015 May 15~24
Solo Exhibition
Title: Meaning making by Fur Tails
-Exploring Aesthetic experience through Interactive Digital Media
Tokyo Studio, KOMAGOME 1-14 cas Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2015 Feb 18~March 20
Solo Exhibition
Title: “The Hidden Critters in the extendedself”
The Cannon Gallery of Art Presents, Western Oregon University, Monmouth, OR, USA
2015 Jan 16~19
Conference Art Track paper publication & Arts Track exhibition
The ACM TEI Conference 2015: 9th International Conference on Tangible Embedded and Embodied Interaction
Paper title: "Spiky Starfish: Exploring 'Felt Technology' through a shape changing wearable bag"
Stanford University, San Francisco, USA
2014 April
Conference workshop participation & presentation
The CHI 2014 annual ACM SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Science,"Socially Engaged Art"
paper title: "Extended self: Critical making through social computing research in HCI" Young Suk Lee
2014 Feb
Conference Art Track paper publication & Arts Track exhibition
The ACM TEI Conference 2014: The conference on tangible, embedded, and embodied in interaction.
Paper title: "Hatching Scarf: A Critical Design about Anxiety and Persuasive Computing" Young Suk Lee
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Universität München, Munich, Germany
2013 May
Symposium/ Workshop participation & presentation-Giving an artist talk about my critical designs
"Transmission and Entanglements"
Goldsmiths college-University of London, London, UK
2013 April
Conference workshop participation & presentation -Giving an artist talk about my critical designs
The ACM CHI Conference 2013 Workshop:
"Crafting Interactive Systems learning from Digital Arts Practice"
paper title: "A review of Interactive Landscape: An Artistic Approach to HCI" Young Suk Lee
Université Paris-Dauphine, Paris, France
2013 April
A Design Exhibition:
Title: "The Fragile Self in Anxious Times"
Informatics and Computing, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA
2013 March 1~2
Utopia: The Scholar & Feminist 2013
Barnard College-Columbia University, NewYork, NY, USA
Participating on Plenary Panel about feminist human computer interaction principles:
Key note talk - "Utopian Design? Feminism and Critical Design"- Collaborating with Dr. Shaowen Bardzell.
2012 May 17-20
“Arts on Division” festival, Video Art Screening, Somerville, New Jersey, NY, USA
2012 Friday, February 24, 5:30–7:30 PM.
Participate in ARTexchange at the College Art Association’s Annual Conference in Los Angeles.
ARTexchange will take place in the Concourse Foyer, Level 1, of the Los Angeles Convention Center
1201 South Figueroa Street
2011~2012 December 9th, 2011to January 15th
Show in New York in December: 8"x8" artwork Exhibition, 567 Gallery, New York, NY, USA
Opening reception, 7 – 9 p.m on December 9th, 2011
The gallery is located at 145 W14th Street, New York, NY.
2011~2012. December 9, 2011 to Jan 4
INTERNATIONAL AMERICA: National Identity in Flux, Juried Exhibition, TEJAS GallerySpace,
Dayton, OH,USA
Opening Reception, 6-9pm on December 9, 2011
2011~2012. December 2, 2011 to February 2
WATCH IT! Video Art Competition, Taubman Museum, Roanoke, Virginia, USA
Opening of WATCH IT! 5pm-8pm on December 2, 2011
2011. February
PVE: Performance Video Event, New Media Caucus, NewYork, USA
Saturday, February 12, 10:00 p.m
2010. November
IDEAS 10: Art and Digital Narrative exhibition, Emilly Carr University of Art+Design,
Vancouver BC, Canada
November 2nd – November 6th
Opening Reception, Thursday, November 4th at 6pm.
2010. August - October
"Topographies", UMKC Gallery of Art presents, Kansas city, Missouri, USA
August 30 to October 4
Opening Reception, September 9, 5-7P.M.
Gallery Talk, September 9, 6 PM.
2010. May
MFA Digital art- Thesis show "Voices of Critters"
April 27- May 8
SoFA Gallery, Indiana University.
Opening Reception, April 30, 7-9 P.M.
Gallery Talk, April30, Noon.
2010. March
To appear in extended abstract of CHI2010
Paper: In regards of 'Soft-Spiky Mouse: A Design Case Study on Expressive Surfaces
Atlanta, GA
2010. January
presentation & publication: “TEI 10” : The conference on Tangible, embedded, and embodied in interaction.
Paper: In regards of 'SKIN:Designing Aesthetic Interactive Surfaces’.
MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA, USA
2009. Nov. 6th
Artist Talk& Exhibition: “ideas 09”: Arts at the Digital Edge
*Sound interactive sculpture- Title: ‘Petals of light’ , Date: Nov 5~ Dec 4.
Ball state University Museum of Art, Muncie, Ball state, USA
2009. Nov. 5th
Presentation: A brown bag lecture for ‘ the institute for digital arts and humanities’
Indiana University Wells Library, Bloomington. IN, USA